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LUXACORE Z Dual A3 Automix 48g cart 30 tips ea mixing & intraOral #213330 (DMG)

LUXACORE Z Dual A3 Automix 48g cart 30 tips ea mixing & intraOral #213330 (DMG)

Regular price $327.60 CAD
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LUXACORE Z Dual A3 Automix 48g cart 30 tips ea mixing & intraOral #213330 (DMG)

[AcmeDent sku='CA0815']

LuxaCore Z Dual Automix A3 is a premium, dual-curing composite designed for core build-ups and root post cementations. Incorporating zirconium dioxide and nanotechnology, it offers dentine-like cuttability, ensuring controlled and precise margin preparations. The material's high compressive strength and optimal flowability contribute to reliable, long-lasting restorations. The product comes in a 48g Automix cartridge, accompanied by 30 Automix tips and 30 intraoral tips for efficient application.

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